"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Monday, February 24, 2014

Jenna's Hair

This is Jenna's hair-- once in a while, it's like this when she gets up in the morning. 
Our kids' hair is somewhat fascinating to me.  Before we had kids, I figured they'd have brown or reddish hair, since that's what Chad and I had.  Neither of us were ever blond, but that's what all 4 of the kids got.  Katie's has now darkened to a beautiful light brown, almost auburn, but the rest are still fairly light, esp C and M. 
The texture of each is so different, too.  Jenna's is naturally pretty curly, Katie's has a very nice wave, Claire's is straight! and so it's Micah's.
Isn't it fun that God put so much variety into people? 

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