"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Friday, February 21, 2014

Funny Micah

At the dinner table a couple weeks ago, we were talking about Facebook.  Micah piped up with, "Two of my friends are on the Facebook!"  We laughed cuz it sounded so cute-- partly cuz he said "the' and partly cuz he was a 5 year old talking about Facebook.  Then we started wondering why his 5 year old friends were on FB.  He said, "I'll show you!"  He ran over to a yearbook from Faith Christian from last year-- that was "the Facebook"!  He showed us 2 of his church friends that go to Faith.

Another funny:  One Sunday, we dropped Katie and Jenna off at church for quiz practice at 4:30, then Claire and Micah and I went to the auditorium so Claire and I could practice recital pieces on that piano.  Micah mostly colored and drew pictures while he waited.  He was in the middle of something when I was ready to head to the other end of the building to get ready for Children's Choir, so I told them to finish up and then come together.

A few hours later, when Children's Choir was finished, we were packing up, and we couldn't find Micah's coat.  We looked around and couldn't find it.  I said, "Micah, where is that coat??"  He said, "I know where it is!  It's in the room with all the couches!"  Meaning the auditorium with all the pews.

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