"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Monday, September 2, 2013

Grace Carnival

This year, Grace held a back-to-school carnival.  Just for fun. 
And I know the Wingerts that were there had fun!
Here's Micah with his teacher and class, watching classmate Ayush do the frog game.
Mrs. Jones :)

Micah going fishing

Mr. Wingert got pie-faced for about an hour!  Did you know that whipped cream stinks?  His hair had a bit of a lingering odor, even after washing it.  Jenna and Claire esp enjoyed getting him good.

Micah came home with this basketball painted on his cheek.  Claire got a butterfly. 

1 comment:

  1. Way to take one for the team, Chad! Did it feel weird having your kids relish the prospect of plunking you in the face with a pie? :) And I had no idea that whipped cream smelled funky... that's good to know.
