"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Micah Starts Kindergarten!

OK, they all started school...
Claire's in 4th grade
Jenna's in 6th grade (middle school!)
Katie's in 10th grade
and Micah is in kindergarten!  Boy, was he excited!!  He's been counting down to Aug 26 for many months.
And it was a red-letter day.  When I was in the lobby with him, waiting before it started, he gave me hugs and kisses and said he loves me. Then we went down to his classroom.  Once in there, he hardly gave me any attention because he was totally focused on his teacher and his new class.  Awwww.  So cute!
In the pic below, you can see his teacher, Mrs. Leasure (she taught all 3 of our girls as well!) and a couple of Micah's friends.  Actually, the boy across from Micah is one of his best friends so far-- Parker.

Micah's teacher says he is doing really well.  He likes to talk (yes!) but so far he is doing a good job being quiet when he's supposed to. 
So glad he's doing well and enjoying it so much.  So far, all the kids are enjoying the new year. (of course, we're not very far into it, either!)

1 comment:

  1. These pictures are so perfect, Michelle. Each smile is so distinctive! It's great to hear how enthusiastic Micah is about school. I have a feeling that eagerness will continue for years to come, considering his buoyant and outgoing personality. We can't wait to see all the kids in the flesh by the end of the month!
