"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Friday, March 8, 2013

My Bday

OK, so a week ago I turned 40.  I had not been looking forward to this bday for a long time.  And I'm still not very happy about it.  But-- it's been a week and I'm still doing alright, so I guess I'll make it. :) 
Chad and the kids did a fantastic job of making it nice for me, without it being too big of a deal.  And a huge thank you to all those who sent me birthday wishes!  What a special treat.
In the morning, we usually do family devos at 6:15 on school days-- for my bday, we watched some home videos of when Micah was little.  So fun to see the kids when they were younger!  And Claire gave me a warm blanket snuggie to wear while we watched them.  
Since it was a Wednesday, usually we have bells and choir practice, etc.  Chad had told Pastor Dave I was skipping choir so we could go out for my bday, and Dorthea cancelled bells when she found out it was my bday.  Went to Cracker Barrel-- enjoyed good food and looking in the gift shop.  Then over to a new frozen yogurt place in Martinsburg (Yo-yo Twist) for the kids to have a dessert.  I know they enjoyed the treat, but they also really liked trying out all the cool chairs in the place.  
When we got home, Chad put a few candles in a small, yummy cake made by Anna Jones, and they sang to me.  To be honest, much of the day, I was on the edge of being grumpy because I was not happy about this event.  After the cake, they gave me homemade cards and a couple little gifts.  I could hardly make it through the cards because I was crying quite a bit.  They were very sweet-- better than any other card or gift I could have gotten. I am so rich! 
Then Chad gave me a stack of cards and emails from family and friends.  By this time, I couldn't even handle reading any more, so those waited until I was 40 and 1/365.  I am so blessed!


Funny poem

Funny poem left by someone in men's teacher bathroom at school. :)


Jenna was invited to a friend's bday party at a roller skating rink.  I also took Claire and Katie so the 3 of us could skate.  Yes, I skated, too!  I used to LOVE it when we had Freedom skating parties, but I've not skated much as an adult.  Mostly because of back issues, but my back has been pretty stable for the last 3 years, so I tried it.  Fun!  Claire took a little while to get going, but she had a lot of fun (til her backside starting hurting from the falls!).  We all enjoyed it-- should go more often!

See Jenna's face?  She wasn't real excited that I was taking her pic. :)
With her good friend Kenzie.