"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Friday, February 24, 2012

Jenna's Fine Arts

Yesterday, Jenna played piano for Fine Arts at school yesterday. She's very well prepared because it was the same piece she's playing for the recital next week, but nerves got the best of her and she had several mistakes. I felt so badly for her, but she really had terrific composure even though she was very disappointed. And she sure looked pretty, too. :)


  1. Congrats, Jenna! Your mom probably told you about her first recitals...Whew, was I ever tense for her! Next year all the butterflies will have gone to South America and you'll do even better. Nice you had a chance to perform before your recital! Wish I could be there...Grammy

  2. Maintaining composure in the face of disappointment is an even more impressive accomplishment than playing a song perfectly as far as I'm concerned, Jenna. So take pride in the fact that your Uncle Jer is beaming with pride! : )
