"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Great Wolf Lodge

Friday was a half day of school and Monday no school (President's Day), so we hit the road. And, look! Claire drove!

Carpooled with Gpa and Gma to the Great Wolf Lodge in Sandusky, Ohio.

For a while, Micah and Jenna were in the other van, so it was quiet in our vehicle! (Not that Jenna's usually the noisy one...) Claire played with Katie's hair while we drove.

We met much of my fam there-- for them it was a big 4 hour drive, I think. For us, 6.

Of course, we had lots of time playing in the waterpark area, but, in the evening, Grammy did storytime in their room. From what I hear, it was much better than the story time out in the lobby! During this story time, Katie and Jenna and I went back to the waterarea to make the most of the shorter lines.

The girls loved it, (altho Katie tired of it sooner than the other 2, and she enjoyed some reading time in between soaks in the hot tub :) but Micah was another matter. Much of last summer, it was a struggle to get him in pools. He mostly wanted to stand on the side and throw balls in, etc. Here at GWL, we had to force him to try some slides, etc. He did a few, and didn't cry during/after them, but he didn't enjoy them, either. He loved the hot tub (family one, designed for kids, too), esp when Boden was also in it. He just loves being with Boden.

Boden and Eric.


Grammy with Caleb

Micah looks like he's on a starvation diet.

Sun pm we were allowed to stay at GWL until 9. Jenna and Claire were ready to be finished a little after 4pm. We all got dressed again and then did the arcade with Gpa and Gma a little while-- fun way to end our stay there. Ate a good meal at Perkins, and then we drove a little more than an hour to Lance and Michele's house-- they graciously had rooms for us in their beautiful home, and a great breakfast also!

Then we headed for the moon...

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