"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Friday, January 27, 2012


Rainy day yesterday. Micah and I stopped at the Williamsport Library, a place he always loves to visit. At the door, he always reminds me to be quiet, and then he goes to play with the toys in the kids area. I didn't take long and shortly was checking out books at the counter. He came over to watch (asked me to pick him up because he wants to see what the lady does), and then we said goodbye and he started to head toward the door.

The library lady said, "Try to stay dry!"

Micah said, "I wear pull-ups now."

He-he! When I started laughing-- she was talking about the rain and he was talking about his pants-- the lady wanted to know what he had said. She got a good laugh out of it, too.

Also yesterday, Micah was watching an old video. He came upstairs to ask me to help him fix it. I said, "Is it doing something funny?"

He said, "No, it's BAD and DANGEROUS! And GLOOMY!"

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