"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Friday, January 6, 2012

Christmas in MI

Went with part of the family to Meijer Gardens. Beautful place, dozens of Christmas trees decorated with different country themes, indoor tropical conservatory and other indoor garden areas, really cool train display overhead, and a children's garden outside (it was a little cold :).

Boden and Micah are fast friends, and they can get pretty goofy together (and a little naughty sometimes!). See them holding hands here?

The giant pancake Katie ate at Rainbow.

Heidi, Boden, Nathan. Heidi's the only one of those 3 that really sucks her thumb. : )

Caleb figures out his new pounding toy from Papa and Grammy

Dad/Chad/I took a few kids to the Holland Aquatic Center. The water was a little cold for me (Dad hung out in the hot tub a lot :), but the girls had a great time. Favorites were the water slide and the whirlpool.

Claire reads to Heidi. Heidi loves books. Jenna also read to her different times.

Hey, Eric, look at Heidi's non-thumb hand. :) Guess that's usual, huh?

Heidi turns 3!

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