"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Katie had her first quiz trip of the year this past weekend. This is the only pic we have of the event, since I didn't go this time and she didn't have a camera. She had a great time! Terrific group of teens (6th-12th grade) that have all memorized 85 verses of John. Didn't hurt that her team did very well this year, too! Last year, her team lost everything, so a little encouragement was in order. Her team was undefeated until the final round this year, so they came in 2nd place! Great job, Katie!

Much of the fun of the trip, tho, is the bus ride/being with friends/stay at hotel/eating at restaurants. It all was a lot of fun. Oh, and she got to miss school on Friday! :)

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