"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Monday, December 12, 2011

The Best Christmas Present Ever

Yesterday was our Children's Choir musical. After the practice on Saturday, I was a bit concerned how this was going to come off. As usual, tho, the kids really surprised me and did a fantastic job. Like they knew now it was time to pull it all together and really do their best.

Here are a few pics from it. Chad will probably also put a few little clips on You Tube, and next week we should have a DVD of the whole thing.

Jenna and Claire both had speaking parts in the drama, and they did a terrific job. Claire is sad that it's over, because she really enjoyed the drama practices, esp. I had to talk Jenna into trying out for the part, but she ended up really enjoying it. Said she'll do more drama things in the future.

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