"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Claire might prove to be our tallest offspring. At age 7, she is 2 inches taller than Katie was at 7. Actually, she's 2 inches taller than CHAD was at age 7. And she's 3 inches taller than Jenna was at that age.

Presently, she's probably less than 2 inches shorter than Jenna. They both wear the same size clothes. Handy and not so handy.

Videos from Children's Choir Musical

IBC Children's Choir Christmas musical 2011...
Jenna & Claire do, like, a great job with their parts...

Claire's prayers...

Micah can't resist running up to see his mommy!...

Listen for Micah who's sitting on my lap...

Monday, December 12, 2011

The Best Christmas Present Ever

Yesterday was our Children's Choir musical. After the practice on Saturday, I was a bit concerned how this was going to come off. As usual, tho, the kids really surprised me and did a fantastic job. Like they knew now it was time to pull it all together and really do their best.

Here are a few pics from it. Chad will probably also put a few little clips on You Tube, and next week we should have a DVD of the whole thing.

Jenna and Claire both had speaking parts in the drama, and they did a terrific job. Claire is sad that it's over, because she really enjoyed the drama practices, esp. I had to talk Jenna into trying out for the part, but she ended up really enjoying it. Said she'll do more drama things in the future.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Katie had her first quiz trip of the year this past weekend. This is the only pic we have of the event, since I didn't go this time and she didn't have a camera. She had a great time! Terrific group of teens (6th-12th grade) that have all memorized 85 verses of John. Didn't hurt that her team did very well this year, too! Last year, her team lost everything, so a little encouragement was in order. Her team was undefeated until the final round this year, so they came in 2nd place! Great job, Katie!

Much of the fun of the trip, tho, is the bus ride/being with friends/stay at hotel/eating at restaurants. It all was a lot of fun. Oh, and she got to miss school on Friday! :)

Monday, December 5, 2011


Got some new mattresses and did some switching around. Wanted the full-size (for mom and dad when they come) in Micah's room since he has more space than Jenna and Claire. He was very excited about the change and loves his new bed. Works out well for reading him stories at bedtime, too.

Moved out the changing table so the room wouldn't be crowded.

I was more nervous about Claire's new bed situation. Over the past month, she's cried 3 times about it. She just doesn't like change, and she loved her old bed. So I knew I had to make the new bed something she'd like-- it worked.

I used some old curtains, dyed them purple, hemmed them, attached them under Jenna's bunkbed.

Now Claire has a space of her very own-- that's not for Jenna or anyone to go into. She can close the curtains and read, play, sleep, get dressed in there.