"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Katie straightened Jenna's hair for school yesterday. It really looked nice, but I just prefer her curly hair. :) They both got up early to accomplish it.

The last several months, Micah has REALLY been into playing games. Thankfully, we recently were able to get several new (used) ones from friends and a yard sale. I say "thankfully" because I can only stand so much of CandyLand and Chutes and Ladders, and then I'm forced to cheat so we can get the game to finish. :) I do much better with Uno and Go Fish, and these new ones are not bad, either. He knows how to play them quite well! He likes to play Chinese Checkers and Connect 4 as well, but neither one of those go according the regular rules at all.

Here's a lovely slug Chad found in our yard a week or so ago. We have often seen small ones (like 1/2 inch), but this mama slug was like ones I thought only lived in other parts of the country-- had to have been 4 inches long or so. Depends on how scrunched up it was. Chad had a lot of fun with it. :)

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