"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

9/11 Remembrance

Our church put on a 9/11 remembrance service at the public high school a mile down the road. Really neat. An hour before the service, many fire trucks, police cars, ambulances were parked outside-- we walked around and looked at them. Many of the trucks had their doors open so we could look inside or even sit inside.

There were vehicles from Bedington, Hedgesville, Back Creek, and probably some others I'm forgetting. All WV.

Ladder truck with ladder extended-- there's a flag on the end. Wow, is that thing tall!


Micah looks at the inside of one of a fire truck's doors.

A medic helicopter landed while we watched-- then we got to go look around and sit in it.

The actual service was neat, too, but we didn't get any pics of it. Chad was in the orchestra that played-- Stars and Stripes Forever, Star Spangled Banner, My Country, America. Sounded really great in that gym; esp since some of the public high school kids joined in.

They introduced some famous people-- senators, delegates, etc. Had a few videos. Had each of the firefighters, etc come up front to tell us their name and department, and then they all received something special. Not sure exactly what was in it, but I know they got a $50 Walmart gift card meant for them to share with someone in need.

And then Paul Dixon spoke. He was at our church in the morning, too. Did a great job of honoring our "first responders" and remembering 9/11 and talking about the hope we have in Christ. The audience was very responsive throughout the whole thing. It definitely seemed like it was well-received.

Interesting picture was displayed on an easel-- an aerial view of the Twin Towers area with dark spots for where they found each body. Of course, several right in the footprint of the tower, but many were thrown quite a distance as well. One was in the Hudson River 6 blocks away.

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