"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Monday, February 21, 2011

Recital 2011

Look at those gorgeous girls! And they played beautifully, too. :) Katie played The Old Rugged Cross and Russian Prelude. Jenna played Snow Castle Waltz, Nightwind (duet with me), and Come Bless the Lord. One video is below and there will be more on the next post.

Below is all the students that played in the recital. I had one not show up (found out later that she was sick with bronchitis). One refused to do the recital period (first time that's happened to me). And 4 of my school students didn't do it this year; I'm hoping to get them into it next year.

Every year, I dread this. It's a huge stress for me-- worse than any other performance I'm involved in. But I also know involvement in recitals was beneficial for me when I was a piano student; and the parents/grandparents always really appreciate it. I think it's good for encouragement and inspiration to keep going. Plus, I always play something at the end, and maybe it's good for the parents to see that the piano teacher can actually play the piano, too. :)

Anyway, it went very well. No one had huge mistakes, just tiny ones that are to be expected when factoring in nervousness. And several of them just did an outstanding job.

And the cookie reception afterward went very well as well-- thanks esp to Anita who came with some goodies to add to mine and then served people while I yakked. And also a big thank you to my husband who helped me pull it all off without getting upset while I was not real warm and fuzzy. :)

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