"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Friday, February 4, 2011

Dr. Cameron

Dr. Cameron was Claire's heart surgeon. A month ago or so, she sent him a thank you letter (below). Most fascinating to me is that she included a knife in his hand-- when we talk about the surgery and she wonders how they cut her open, she can't believe they used something like a knife. But she drew it, and both she and the dr still have a smile on their faces. :) Then, he sent back a great reply...
In case you can't read it, it says, "Dear Claire, Thank you so much for the nice drawing of the two of us. I was particularly flattered that you drew me with hair on my head-- but maybe those were dog ears. You have grown up to be a beautiful (and talented) young girl. Best wishes, Dr. Cameron"
Yes, he's bald. :)
When this came in the mail, Claire tried to read it out loud to us, and she's not real great at reading cursive yet. So, she read something like, "I was perfectly fluttered..."

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