"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Monday, April 19, 2010

New Car

So, this is our new transportation-- a little Honda Civic that goes quite far on one tank of gas. It's not real fancy, but it was kept in great shape. And the Car Fax showed it had an excellent service record as well.

At first the kids were a bit disappointed with this purchase. They really preferred the Taurus we had tried out-- because it had a moon roof and a pretty blue color. This Honda, however, gets better gas mileage and is in better shape. And now, the kids love this car because on a warm day Daddy let them roll the windows down and stick their hands out. Can't do that in vans.

We had thought our Venture was on the way to the junkyard, but it turns out some guy in Martinsburg wanted to buy it and put a new engine in it. We may see it around town. :)

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