"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Monday, April 12, 2010

Big Kid Now

Micah went to the 2's and 3's Sunday School class for the first (official) time yesterday, and, from all reports so far, it went very well. Chad and Katie were working in there during his 2nd hour in there-- and they said he did pretty well. He went to play at all the different stations... not just the phones and dolls were Katie was working or the slides where Chad was working. He had a little trouble staying in his chair for snack time, but that'll come in a few weeks-- watching the other kids helps, as well as being continually put back in his chair. :) He sat for story time, but I think that was because he was in Katie's lap.

He had no trouble when we dropped him off. He was the first one in there, and he just walked in and never looked back. He HAS been in there before, tho-- on Sunday pms when they didn't have enough kids in his own class, he often ended up in this one. So I guess it really wasn't a big deal!

Funny-- when we dropped him off, Claire was very concerned that I mention he can't drink from a regular cup yet. This was something I hadn't even thought of, but she remembered that kids in there get little plastic cups of water at snacktime.