"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Monday, April 26, 2010

Krol Visit

My sister, Elizabeth, and her husband Mike came with their boys for a visit-- Thur to Sun. We had a great time with them! Katie and Jenna and Claire just LOVED Caleb and Logan! And it's really nice to have two-- cuts down on the arguing over who gets to hold a baby. :)

All 3 girls fed the babies bottles at different times.

All 6 of our kids: Claire with Logan, Jenna with Micah, Katie with Caleb.

Liz took our family pics and some individual ones-- on Friday at City Park in Hagerstown. Gorgeous day!!

Maybe the most scenic spot Mike and Liz have fed their sons-- see them to the right of the guy with a red shirt?

Micah-- dr appt

Micah had his 2-year-old dr appt last week. Other than the runny nose and eczema, the dr was pleased with everything. He didn't really comment much on the runny nose. For the eczema, he gave me a prescription for a stronger cream. May have to try it, cuz Micah really digs at the back of his knees and the inside of his elbows.

At the beginning of the appt, Micah said, "Dr. Strauss," and the dr was so thrilled with this that he had Micah repeat it... then later, he had Micah say it again. :) He commented on how well Micah speaks-- that we must read to him and not let him watch much TV.

A bit later, while the dr was doing "paperwork" (on his computer), Micah was saying the numbers he saw on the wall, so the dr wanted Micah to count his fingers. Funny-- this is how Micah counts right now: "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 11, 12". Dr liked that, too.

Micah tolerated the weighing and measuring, and he sat very still for the stethoscope; cried hard for the ear-check. Didn't cry at all for the first shot, but did for the second one. I think he was glad to get out of there after those yucky parts.

He weighs more than 27 pounds-- 40th %, and he is 35 inches (70th %). The nurse commented on his big feet-- I found that kinda funny cuz I don't think anyone else has ever commented on that, and I really don't think they are that big. Average.

Oh, I discussed Micah's thumb-sucking with the dr (Micah did it a lot while we were in there-- after the dr checked his ears, etc)-- dr said not to worry about it still-- the best thing to stop it is an appliance installed in the mouth by a dentist (arg! There's got to be a cheaper way!), and that's best not done for a couple years yet.

I had to answer questions on a paper about what Micah can/can't do. One of the questions had 5 pictures, and it said something like, "How many of these can your child name?" After some silly answers, Micah identified the bird, horse, dog, cat. I was very curious to see what he would do with the outline of a man, because I was pretty sure we'd never talked about that. When I pointed to the man, he said, "Jesus!" :)

Monday, April 19, 2010

New Car

So, this is our new transportation-- a little Honda Civic that goes quite far on one tank of gas. It's not real fancy, but it was kept in great shape. And the Car Fax showed it had an excellent service record as well.

At first the kids were a bit disappointed with this purchase. They really preferred the Taurus we had tried out-- because it had a moon roof and a pretty blue color. This Honda, however, gets better gas mileage and is in better shape. And now, the kids love this car because on a warm day Daddy let them roll the windows down and stick their hands out. Can't do that in vans.

We had thought our Venture was on the way to the junkyard, but it turns out some guy in Martinsburg wanted to buy it and put a new engine in it. We may see it around town. :)


The cake I made for Micah's bday

Monday, April 12, 2010

Big Kid Now

Micah went to the 2's and 3's Sunday School class for the first (official) time yesterday, and, from all reports so far, it went very well. Chad and Katie were working in there during his 2nd hour in there-- and they said he did pretty well. He went to play at all the different stations... not just the phones and dolls were Katie was working or the slides where Chad was working. He had a little trouble staying in his chair for snack time, but that'll come in a few weeks-- watching the other kids helps, as well as being continually put back in his chair. :) He sat for story time, but I think that was because he was in Katie's lap.

He had no trouble when we dropped him off. He was the first one in there, and he just walked in and never looked back. He HAS been in there before, tho-- on Sunday pms when they didn't have enough kids in his own class, he often ended up in this one. So I guess it really wasn't a big deal!

Funny-- when we dropped him off, Claire was very concerned that I mention he can't drink from a regular cup yet. This was something I hadn't even thought of, but she remembered that kids in there get little plastic cups of water at snacktime.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Happy Birthday, Micah!

Happy 2nd birthday to our little man!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Cutest Kids You Ever Saw

Easter finery :) Aren't they adorable??

We went to the Michaels for lunch. Cheryl had a wonderful meal and then Micah napped upstairs while the girls did an Easter egg hunt in their backyard.

Then we went home and Chad's mom had another egg hunt planned in our yard-- this one was a little different. Each person had their own color eggs to hunt for.

Fashion Show

Katie and her friend Breanna had a fashion show at our house last week. They wore dresses I had from high school (I had to add a few extra pins :) and they looked gorgeous!

Katie did their hair-- very professional!
And Jenna and Claire were the judges. :)