"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Friday, May 26, 2017

Micah's Field Trip

So much fun to go on a field trip with Micah's class!  They have a nice class.  Elementary is so much simpler than middle school and high school!  These kids truly enjoy each other and are quite kind and helpful much of the time.  Plus, it's fun to be with my son-- and he still enjoys being with me. :) 
We went to the Jonathan Hager House in Hagerstown, and then walked to City Park for lunch.  All on a gorgeous day!
Herb garden 

Checking out the stream that comes out of the Hager House

That scissors-looking thing is an old-fashioned curling iron

This was used to wean calves!  Interesting, huh?

This is in Hager's basement-- he built it over a spring so that they would always have water even if under siege by Indians, etc

Monday, May 15, 2017

Duckling Rescue!

As Chad rode his bike near a stream a couple weeks ago, he saw a little duckling in the middle of the road!  He was able to protect it from some passing cars and made sure it was heading down to the stream area.  The lady that lived there thanked him-- says she hates it when the ducks get hit by passing cars. 

Honors Choir

Micah auditioned and was accepted into the honors choir this spring.  See him in the front row?  We loved hearing them sing-- the elementary sounded better than the MS and HS choirs. :) 

Piano Recital

We made it through another piano recital!  Yippee!  These are the 17 that played in this one.  Did a super job!

For this recital, I played a classical organ piece, since I've been taking lessons for a couple years.  The kids sat up front to watch.  I think they plugged their ears some because I turned the volume way up! :)

81 construction

They've started the construction on 81.  Chad's fascinated with the process of expanding the bridge over the Potomac.  Must be interesting with the flooding.  We've had so much rain this spring.  Flooded at least twice.

Micah in Fine Arts

Micah played Happy Red in Fine Arts.  Did a super job!

Cedarville Orientation

Katie and I went to Cedarville for a very full visit of orientation activities.  Was fun and very productive.  Didn't get any photos, tho!  Probably the best part was visiting 2 graphic design classes, which she loved.  Confirmation that that's a good major for her!

Claire at Outdoor School

Every year the Grace middle school goes to 3 days of Outdoor School at Black Rock.  They always love it.  Claire had a great time!

The reason we got some photos of it this year is because Chad went along for much of it.  He drove the school bus (which he is really enjoying!) and chaperoned a cabin of boys.