"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Monday, January 16, 2017

Claire's First Quiz Trip

On the first weekend of December, Claire had her first quiz trip.  Exciting weekend!  She had been dreading this for more than 4 months-- even tho her sisters and I had told her that the trips are great fun.  I guess Claire's not one to take our word for it. :)  She had a GREAT time... that is, after we practically dragged her on to the bus that morning!

Claire is a natural at Bible quizzing!  We already knew that she was a terrific memorizer, but she's also competitive and a good buzzer.  She quizzed out 3 times that day.  Usually, the coaches get a DQ blizzard for the kids that quiz out-- Claire got a cupful of tasty munchkin donuts. 
Funniest part of the day... At the first quiz, Claire buzzed in for her first time, and the quizmaster called her "Charlie"!  We all laughed, and, of course, she forgot what the question was.  That was the only question she answered incorrectly all day!

This is why the kids love the trips-- playing games on the bus the whole way.

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