"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Best Snowstorm Ever!

Snowstorm Jonas was the best snowstorm ever!  We talked to people who were sick of being at home, but that wasn't us!  We had a lot of fun with it.  Photos, beauty, playing in it, shoveling, helping neighbors, baking, puzzles, games, movies, and some other odd projects. 
The snow started Friday afternoon (Jan 22) and finished Saturday night.  We measured 35-36 inches with a yardstick in the middle of the yard.  Lots of snow!  Kids at Grace had 3 days off, Katie and the public schools are off for the whole week,  Chad worked a bunch from home and went in to school once later on Tuesday.  Believe it or not, I think I'll be able to get in all but 3 piano lessons this week!  (Almost none at their regular time, but since there's no school it's easier to reschedule) 
The tree in our backyard

Katie by Micah's tree in front yard

Jenna shoveling Humbertson's driveway.  They both have health issues, so we wanted to make sure they were safe.  It was fun to help them!

Chad and Jenna

Jenna and Katie

Zoom in on K's face :)

All 3 girls getting their exercise

Think the mailman will come?

Looking down from our front door

View from garage

Neighbors' cars are under there!

Fun shapes

Even Micah did some shoveling.  I think he needs to do some growing before he does much more. :)

Helping the Murphy's with their driveway.  He has a new 4-wheeler with a blade, but the snow was too much for it

Our house.  See Micah waving the shovel?


Claire with Murphys' cars

Expert shovelers!


Claire's tunnel

Claire on our highest snowbank-- at the corner of our driveway

Micah and Chad

We liked this headline!

Claire and Micah


Brain Freeze!  Idea from Grammy, Snow Creation by Chad and the kids

This is Micah's Snow Project-- designed and assigned by Papa, assisted by Katie, Chad, and me.
He collected all the snow from a 1-foot square section in the yard, melted it in buckets, measured the water, and then did the math to find out how many pounds we shoveled off the driveway.  Papa still has to check our math.  How'd we do, dad?


  1. Micah, Papa is going to check your work, but on the first page your number for the length of the parking area, right about where the basketball hoop is located, is cut off. It shows "...9.5" What should it be?

  2. THIS. WAS. SO. EPIC. As long as we live, we'll never forget the blizzard of '16!
