"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Friday, May 15, 2015

Katie's Projects

Katie has been super busy with school work lately.  All of our kids are very diligent and mostly quite responsible with their work (PTL!), but I wanted to make mention of what she's accomplished.  In the past week, she had to give a speech on Dreaming.  (Wouldn't it be fun to have to practice that in school? :)  She also had to turn in a large research paper on Princess Diana.  I read it, learned a lot, enjoyed it, and was impressed with her writing skills.  And she had to turn in a large scrapbook on different worldviews.  Very well done-- artistic and informative.  This one I did not have a chance to thoroughly look at before she turned it in.  When I told her I'd want to read it when she gets it back, she kinda chuckled and said she's afraid some of it might not make total sense.  She stayed up almost ALL night Monday night to complete it... one hour of sleep before going to school Tuesday.  We drove her to school that day. :)

So, now, hopefully, she'll be able to relax a bit more in her classes.  She's really working for A's in all of them because she's exempt from a final exam in the classes with A's.  And she's really looking forward to summer!

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