"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Piano Recital

The much dreaded piano recital is over.  Every year, when we are in the week before, I wonder why I put myself thru this torture.  And the girls have been trying hard to talk me out of having any more.  However, every year when we are actually having the recital, and then afterward, I am reminded why we do it.  It's such a good experience for the kids to be playing up front when they are young! (How many people start something like that when they are older?)  The recital gives them a chance to commiserate with others, see other students' progression, get lots of positive affirmation (esp from adults who would never have the guts to get up front to play piano!), share what they've been learning, see their own progression from year to year, and get inspired to keep practicing!
The whole thing went really well.  I'm so proud of all my students.  The Wingert girls did a terrific job!  Wish you all could have been here. Don and Anita and Jer and Dani came-- thanks, guys!  And Anita, as always, helped with snacks-- wonderful!

Here's the group who played.  Not counting me, they range from 5 years old to a senior in high school.  In all, I think I have 28 students.  I don't require the ones at Grace to be in this recital since they have to do one at school in May, and 4 of the ones that just started in the past couple months weren't in it this year.

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