"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Anniversary Getaway

Today's our 19th anniversary!  Happy anniversary, honey!
We went away Sunday morning thru this afternoon.  Enjoyed beautiful western Maryland. 
Purple barn.  Do you think they really INTENDED to paint it purple?

Steam shovel

Covered bridge

Root cellar and smoke shack at the home of the owners of our cabin
Their fascinating yard.  All on a hill and spread out so we couldn't get good pics.  Many wood carvings.  Large garden.  Lots of rocks!

Took a 17-mile bike ride from Frostburg down to Cumberland.  Yes, down!  That's my kind of bike riding.  It's all downhill!  After we got to Cumberland, I sat and read a book in the shade while Chad rode back UP the long hill to get our van.

Many raspberry bushes along the way.

Gorgeous scenery

Looks like some homeless people had made a camp?

Above is the way most of the path looked-- shady and green

Our cabin in Grantsville.  Beautiful spot.  Totally secluded.  And only $100 a night, with no cleaning required.  We'll definitely be returning there!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a beautiful little getaway. I'm quite taken with the idyllic second railroad tracks photo -- very nicely framed. And how thoughtful of Chad to devise an all-downhill bike ride for the two of you! There are a lot of love songs where the writer claims to be willing to climb a mountain for his significant other, but Chad just went ahead and did it. : )
