"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

This is how Micah spends his summer

Claire's First Week at Camp

Claire went to Camp Tohiglo for a week, and she LOVED it!  A few moments of homesickness, but there were enough other things keeping her busy and having fun that missing home wasn't a big deal.
Kinda low bunkbeds in this cabin!

Don't they have gorgeous smiles? :)

Independence Day Bash

Fun Independence Weekend party with the W's...

They are taking their deck apart because it's going to get replaced.  

Badminton with no net

Fantastic cake made by Grandma!

See Jenna?  Guess what she's doing.

Friday, July 25, 2014

MI trip

Last week was a BUSY fun-filled week in MI.  To make it work into our schedule, we had to do some early morning and late night driving, but it all worked out. 
Micah looking over Papa's steers.  He made the observation to me that not all cows have pink things under them (udders) and we had a little discussion about that. :) 

Micah and Daddy on Papa's Deutz

Boden and Micah enjoying the grass at a park across from the ice cream place

Heidi, Claire, Boden, Micah

Katie, hard at work!  She and Jenna put in several hours helping Papa and Grammy clean up the place for the open house

We also did a fair amount of ping pong.  All 4 of our kids are getting pretty good!

Jenna painted one of Grammy's new benches

Papa and Grammy planned a private concert with their friends from church-- theater organ and piano and lots of fun music.  

Playing at Spring Grove Park

Lake Michigan


Katie and Natalie playing frisbee

Caleb and Heidi

Jason and Levi

This was at Eric and Lea Anne's house for Boden's 8th bday party


Papa and Grammy with the grandkids at the Farmiversary Open House on Saturday

Very well organized!  We had about 215 people.  Really fun way to make memories and to celebrate 40 years on the farm.  God is good.

My grandma Tiemeyer

Micah and Caleb