"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Friday, September 20, 2013

Micah's first CSC

Yesterday Micah was in his first program at school.  Wow, is he cute! :)  (Gotta enjoy it now, right?)
Both kindergarten classes were together here.  They quoted a short poem ("Try, Try Again by T.H. Palmer") and a 3-verse Bible passage.  Then they quoted very short verses related to the letters A, B, C, D, E.
Micah was chosen to announce the Bible passage, and he did a terrific job!
In the photo below, can you spot our over-achieving son? :)
When he did that at home in the morning (while he was practicing), he said the tie hurt his neck.  Well, I suppose he didn't have to put his head that far back...

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Claire's Arts in the Park

Claire (and about 14 other GA students) participated in Arts in the Park Sunday.  She played a piano piece called Happy Red on the bandshell stage at City Park.
I'm glad she did it.  If it were just for the piano playing part, she would also say she's glad.  However, she was first, and then she had to sit in the sun thru the whole rest of the program (which, to her, got a little tedious!).  Good experience for those students!  Piano, guitar, voice, a monologue, ballet solo.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Grace Carnival

This year, Grace held a back-to-school carnival.  Just for fun. 
And I know the Wingerts that were there had fun!
Here's Micah with his teacher and class, watching classmate Ayush do the frog game.
Mrs. Jones :)

Micah going fishing

Mr. Wingert got pie-faced for about an hour!  Did you know that whipped cream stinks?  His hair had a bit of a lingering odor, even after washing it.  Jenna and Claire esp enjoyed getting him good.

Micah came home with this basketball painted on his cheek.  Claire got a butterfly.