"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Micah's first dentist visit... went very well.  He really enjoyed it (crazy kid), and everything checked out well. I was esp pleased to hear that his adult teeth seem to be coming along very normally and there is no damage from him knocking his front tooth out last year. 
These panoramic x-rays are very expensive, and Lee is very conscious of our budget-- so we only do them for 1 person a year.  This was Micah's turn.  He really loved doing all this.  Pretty interested in seeing the pics of his teeth afterward as well.  
Despite how Micah's face looks in this pic, he didn't even complain about the cleaning part.  
Every one else's teeth are doing well, too, except Chad's.  His teeth were nearly perfect til just recently.  Now he's starting to need some fillings in the same teeth I got crowns on years ago. 

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