"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Alice in Wonderland

Claire went to a friend's Alice in Wonderland bday party-- beautiful party and a pretty day with lots of good friends. 
Made hats

Fun cake in the shape of a top hat

Drink Me, Take Me


Pool time

Funny, Claire's not quite as pale as she looks there, standing in the sunshine, between 2 of her dark skinned friends

Power Camp

Jenna and Claire did the FCA Power Camp, both playing volleyball, last week. They had a great time and learned a lot.

Very large group!  About 400 kids involved in several different sports (including fishing!  So what do you think they did all week?).

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Jay Dee's

Chad took Micah to Jay Dee's the other day.  Had a fantastic time!  Go-karts, slides, play area, water slides  and swimming.  Plus a bit of a picnic lunch. 

Kinda Fishy

Cake Decorating

Katie and I are taking cake decorating classes this summer!  We are enjoying it, and the whole family is enjoying our practicing.  Here Micah is LICKING the icing off one of our plastic practice boards. 


Our church is trying something different this summer-- VBS every Wed pm instead of a week-long event.  The first one was Wild West.  Our 3 cowpokes sure looked cute!


Micah's first dentist visit... went very well.  He really enjoyed it (crazy kid), and everything checked out well. I was esp pleased to hear that his adult teeth seem to be coming along very normally and there is no damage from him knocking his front tooth out last year. 
These panoramic x-rays are very expensive, and Lee is very conscious of our budget-- so we only do them for 1 person a year.  This was Micah's turn.  He really loved doing all this.  Pretty interested in seeing the pics of his teeth afterward as well.  
Despite how Micah's face looks in this pic, he didn't even complain about the cleaning part.  
Every one else's teeth are doing well, too, except Chad's.  His teeth were nearly perfect til just recently.  Now he's starting to need some fillings in the same teeth I got crowns on years ago. 


This is as close as we can get to the real thing now.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Wrap it up!

End of the school year activities--
Jenna with her closest classmates-- after their international luncheon and before they started The Amazing Race.  Sadly, Jenna's best friend left the school mid-year.  However, Jenna has kept in touch with her (they are going to camp together this summer!) and Jenna has done well adjusting with the other girls. 
Micah graduated from Cubbies!  Cute, huh?  He quoted a verse in front of church and everything!

Jenna with her 5th grade teacher, Mrs. Brown.  (Yikes, middle school next)
Claire with her 3rd grade teacher, Mrs. Carver.

Memorial Day

Went to Hummelstown with Chad's parents.  Had a picnic lunch at a pretty little ballfield/park.  Perfect weather.  
Also in Hummelstown, we visited a toy store that Chad had heard about.  Fun to look around and try things out.  Mom, it reminded me of the Out of the Box one you go to.  Had some of the same products.  Chad told each of the kids they could have some money to spend.  Micah picked a long, stuffed rattlesnake-- it's been a pretty popular choice.  

Micah rides a bike at Gma's house . They have such a good neighborhood for bike riding.  
Supper was grilled burgers on the deck.  Nice!