"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Bed Business

Couldn't get these in my preferred order.  Jump around and you can see what happened with the room switch while my parents were here.  The yellow room is the downstairs room with the bunkbed removed.  This is now Micah's room (currently, he's sleeping among the flowers.  Hope to rectify this in Jan)  The surfer blue room is Jenna and Claire's.  My dad cut down the old bunkbed and built another one.  Now J and C each have a bed up high (which they are loving) and they each have their own private area below.  Someday
when they finally get their stuff put away and I get the curtains up and beds painted, we'll send you a finished pic.  Everyone's very much enjoying the new arrangement.

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