"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Saturday, August 18, 2012


Great time with Chad's parents at Knoebels yesterday.

Got caught in the rain in the afternoon.  Made things a little interesting. :)  At least it wasn't hot any more.  Then there were puddles everywhere, and we actually were cold on the way home!  They didn't stop any rides for the rain, at least that I knew of. 


  1. Probably no lightning,as that would have stopped things -- at least at the Hudsonville Fair! Where is this place?

  2. I love the looks on...
    --Micah's & Jenna's faces in #1
    --Chad's face in #2
    --Mom's face in #3
    --Claire's face in #5
    --Katie's face in #7
    Everyone looks so happy! : )
