"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

1/2 day

Yes, there's school today-- just a half day-- but that's more than most schools around here. Grace felt pushed to do it so they could finish high school exams before Chr break. I still had a couple people cancel piano lessons today because of the roads-- even tho we would have no trouble getting out.

Girls have had so much fun playing in it. Micah has been out a couple times, too. I'm sure he'd be happy to go more, but it takes such a huge effort from ME to get him out and then back in again. :)

Right now, Micah's busily playing with 2 empty cereal boxes and 2 lunchboxes. A box is "bahk" and lunchbox is "backback" (like backpack). At least he's happy! He has started with a runny nose and some crankiness with his eyeteeth coming in.

After my afternoon lessons, we're leaving for PA. Will be there til sometime Thur. We asked Jessica and her kids over for Thur pm, so we'd better not stay in PA too late! Christmas for them might seem a little lonely with Jeff in Afghanistan.

Leave Sat am for MI. The Long Ride. Claire's been dreading it for months already. Nice that K and J look forward to it.


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