"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Monday, March 13, 2017

Camelback Trip

This past week was spring break for Grace.  Chad had planned a surprise trip for the family-- he had a lot of fun keeping it a secret.  Micah and Claire esp loved having the surprise.  
We left Wed morning and went to Lancaster for lunch and a small bit of sightseeing.  Enjoyed shopping in Kitchen Kettle Village.  

It was a gorgeous day to see PA! 

See the Amish school kids? 

Our destination was Camelback Lodge in the Poconos.  None of the kids guessed it!  K and J were quite close-- they thought we were going to Great Wolf Lodge (same kind of place, just a few miles away). 
Chad and all the kids tried the ropes course

I stayed firmly on the ground :)

Loved the waterpark!  

Has to be one of the top 10 hotel innovations... a clothesline that pulls out over the tub.  Esp with a family, it's really rough to get swimsuits dry otherwise!

We were blessed with a few inches of snow the morning we left!  So pretty! This is the view from our room-- you can see the ski slopes. 

On the way home, we went to Chad's parents' for a few hours.  Jer and Dani and Greyson were also there.  AND Nate's kids were in town from CA (for their other gma's funeral).  

Celebrated Jenna's 15th bday

Had fun with little Greyson...

Boys Trip

Grace Academy had spring break last week.  Micah and Chad went to Harrisburg for a day.  Visited Uncle Jer at his job at Widener, went to the science center, and stopped in at Grandma's house.  


So, I started playing organ in church this past year.  Couple weeks ago, I played for a communion service for the first time.  Yikes.  Everything is so quiet, and, with organ there is no hiding mistakes!  Went well.  I've been practicing a classical piece to play for my piano recital this year.  Hope I can pull it off!

Cedarville Transfer Day

Chad and Katie took a quickie trip to Cedarville for the Transfer Visit Day.  Tiring, but it was exciting and they learned a lot!  And, they put in the deposit, so it's official-- Katie will be transferring there in the fall!! She will go in as a junior (yippee!) and will be able to finish a Graphic Design degree in 2-3 years. 

Jenna's Sidewalk Art

It sure is beautiful! (Read it... it started a few interesting conversations...)

More baby...

Think Katie loves Greyson, too?  :)

Thrush Cabin

Chad took the younger 3 to the Thrush cabin a few weeks ago.  Always a fun destination for them, esp in fall and winter when the conference center is very quiet. 


Think Chad loves babies?  Of course, what's not to love about Greyson?? :)