"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Fall Festival

Sunday afternoon our church had a fall festival.  Was a great event!  Some of our family worked at it.  Some of us socialized with our guests.  A couple of my piano students came with their families.  Fun to see them enjoy themselves!
Chad tries out the velcro suit

K and J did face-painting.  K actually worked non-stop for more than 4 hours at this!  And she did a fantastic job.  

She painted Pikachu on M's arm

C and M (can you see them?) had a great time in the bubbles.  I think M did it 3 times during the afternoon.  Funniest is when someone gets stuck upside-down. :) 

Here M and his friend Parker are getting ready for the fight of their lives!  Actually, they both are too mild to do any damage.  But they had fun with it.

K's favorite face-paint... Spiderman!

Live Bluegrass music.  Not my favorite usually, but it sure fits this event