"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Katie's Meal

Unfortunately, somehow we missed getting pics of K's meal.  It was good, tho!!  Her menu:
            meatballs with tomato sauce
            fingerling potatoes (delicious!)
            seasoned green beans
            fruit kabobs
            raspberry lemonade
            oreo truffles

Micah's Meal

This is Micah's dessert.  Very FUN looking and delicious as well.
His menu:
Chicken noodle soup
green beans
canned pears
tie-dyed cake

Jenna's Meal

This was the dessert Jenna made.  Mmmm!
Her menu:
Chicken tortilla bake
fruit parfaits
coconut cream pie

Claire's Meal

This summer, each of the kids made up a meal menu, then they shopped for their ingredients and cooked their meal (with varying amounts of help :). 
This was the pie Claire made-- and did a terrific job! Her menu:
alfredo noodles
green beans
orange juice
cherry pie

Wednesday, July 15, 2015


Appetizer round of Wingert Chopped
A tortilla, celery, and Cheeze-its



Below is the Dessert round of Wingert Chopped




Father's Day

Since we were not together at all on Father's Day, we decided to have our own celebration on July 3.  Chad got some coconut treats (of course), air fresheners, a shirt, a homemade pillow by Claire, and this tent-- which he is going to use for indoor camping.  
Happy Father's Day to a terrific father!

Monday, July 6, 2015

Jer and Dani's new house

Beautiful new house Jer and Dani bought in Dillsburg.  Chad and Jenna went up there Fri to help them move.  

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Fantastic Independence Day

Praising the Lord for a wonderful family day yesterday!  Sometimes we plan good days, and, you know, it just doesn't work out like we plan.  But this day was just terrific all around.  In fact, we discussed how we feel sorry for people not in our family. :) 

Since we've been running all over and in different directions lately, we decided to plan a day with just the 6 of us together.  We never got to ride bike (rained all morning) or play Ticket to Ride (just ran out of time!), but we just had a nice, relaxing day.

After blueberry pancakes (Jenna and I picked them Fri!) for breakfast, Jenna started preparing for lunch.  This past week, each of the kids planned one meal and then shopped for their ingredients and now we're enjoying the meals they make.  I'll put another post later about each of their meals.  They all are enjoying this activity.

Jenna also harvested more from our garden!  We've had a few goes of beans, some lettuce, and one cuke, so far. She's really enjoying watching things develop.

We had a family meeting to discuss things like our July schedule and our upcoming New England trip (!). 

THE BEST PART OF THE DAY-- ever watch the show Chopped?  We had our own version of that, with the girls being the contestants, Micah being the timer :), Chad and I judged, and I narrated videos.  We all had so much fun with it!  And it was amazing what the girls came up with. 

For supper, we ate our Chopped food and whatever else anyone wanted to dig up, while we watched a video, then Jenna and Claire and I finished the puzzle that's been sitting out for a while. 

And then we all went to the Williamsport fireworks.  They were amazingly well done, for just being little Williamsport.  And it was such nice weather.  When have we ever taken sweatshirts to a July 4 celebration?  We sat in the park right next to a little stream.  The trees blocked the view a bit, so maybe next time we'll hunt up a bit better location.  And it was a nice walk to and from our vehicle.  I guess we all remember going to Antietam the last time (3 years ago?) when it was 103 degrees and we had to walk FOREVER to get to and from our vehicle and the traffic afterwards meant we sat still in our van for a long time late at night.  

Thank you, Lord, for a fun family day!