"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Thursday, January 8, 2015

School Week

So, our interesting winter has begun.  We had one day of school back from Christmas  break (enough time for me to get a couple hundred dollars of groceries and put them away) and then on Tuesday we had 2 inches of snow.  It's also very cold this week.  Since the roads didn't all get cleared well on Tuesday, we now have some everlasting ice to deal with.

School?  It was cancelled Tuesday.  Delay yesterday and delay today.  All from 2 inches of snow. :)  Kids are loving it!

PA trip

We actually took 2 trips to Chad's parents' house this Christmas break.  3 days before Christmas and 2 days after New Year-- this was our Christmas together.
Chad's gift to Taz-- peanut butter

Another wonderful meal by Anita

One of Micah's FAVORITE treats

Can you tell Jenna loves having her picture taken?

Katie LOVES these!  Some Lord of the Rings figurines Dani had from many years ago. 

And I LOVE this. :)

These are some of Claire's most favorite things in the world: paper, pens, and muffins

Micah's Artistry

Micah did this last week-- all by himself!  To be honest, it totally shocked us.  He rarely draws.  If he's forced to draw something, he says he can't or he doesn't know what to do.  Then, he suddenly starts drawing this picture of a rainbow, sun, and a palm tree on an island!  He got the idea from a piano student of mine that drew something similar on the driveway months ago-- still, I had no idea he could execute it.  
After the main picture, he added raindrops and the "specialist cave ever".  He also labeled everything so no one would be confused.

MI trip

MI Christmas trip pics, in no particular order
Having great fun with the sack swing up in Papa's barn loft.  Kids said that was one of their favorite parts of our trip. 

Caleb and Micah

Levi and Jenna

Guess where we went on the way home?

Celebrating Natalie's and Heidi's bdays (17 and 6)

Kids playing rock/paper/scissors and rocking Culvers

The small, rather indestructible play tent Grammy has

Heidi, Claire, Levi, Jenna

The fort the Krols have made in their woods

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Beloved Cup

Poor Claire had to say goodbye to her beloved water bottle.  According to her, she had grown a bond with that cup, and she didn't want to say goodbye.  Someone stepped on it, resulting in a large, sharp hole in the side.  Still she didn't want to give it up.  She thought maybe she'd keep it just for sentimentality sake.  Poor girl has an aversion to change!

Christmas Day

Jumping Crazy!

One of our Christmas presents from the Wingerts was to all go to SkyZone and jump like crazy!  We had a lot of fun.  Fun to jump-- and fun to watch others. Dani can jump like crazy!  Katie was doing very well, too-- with encouragement from the teenage worker who kept flirting with her. :)