"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

The Gray Part of the USA

Sledding Adventure

Thank you, Lord, for safety!  While I stayed home to do housework, the rest of the family went sledding.  Hunted around for a good hill.  Found one we'll never use again.  Had a lake to one side.  They thought they'd sled down the other way, but I guess it sloped toward the lake.  Claire, laughing uproariously, slid right out onto it.  Fell thru the ice near the edge as she was coming back to land.  That cut the sledding short cuz it was so cold that day, and now she was wet. 
Funny thing, Micah didn't even see it happen...

Wingert/Hess/Lehman party

The Original Cousins

The Wingerts

The Hess family

The Lehman family, minus Myron who had to work
Playing Rhythm

The Fastest Dutch Blitz game ever

Wingerts at our house

Wingert Christmas

Everyone together for once!
Movie Matinee-- Frozen

Lily teaches Gpa to dance :)

Caleb and Madison



And here's another insight into our funny Claire.  She took this picture of an almost empty shampoo bottle after she hugged it (the bottle!) because she was feeling sentimental about having to throw the bottle away. 
She has real trouble with change sometimes.  She was really and truly upset when we got rid of our ugly green plaid loveseat 2 years ago!
Not sure where this will all lead...

Remember the Bingo prize I stole from Nathan?

Our Christmas Together

This is one of Claire's favorite things to do!!  She LOVES to sit at the computer and type out a story.  Sometimes she makes it into a book.  Sometimes she adds illustrations.  Other times, she writes a story or poem by hand.  This past year, this has been her almost constant pastime.  We all can't wait to see books she writes and illustrates some day!