"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Monday, February 25, 2013


Claire quote of the day:

"I'm getting a piece of paper cuz I'm gonna draw.  I don't know what I'm gonna draw yet-- I just feel happy with a pencil and paper." :)


Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Chad took the girls ice skating yesterday (Presidents Day, no school).  They all were excited to go and all had a great time.  They've only been ice skating a handful of times.  Katie was skating all over the place.  Jenna did a lot with balancing on an orange cone.  Claire held onto the rail and went really slowly, but she also did some without holding onto anything as well.  A little extra excitement because a lady got injured.  Yippee, not a real safe sport, I guess. 
Everyone enjoyed the Sweet Frog visit afterward as well!

AWANA quizzing

Saturday Jenna and Claire both did AWANA quizzing.  These aren't great pics, but I mostly just wanted to document that they did it.  Claire was nervous because she'd never done it before, but it went really well.  Both girls did a terrific job and had fun as well.  They did part of the quiz with paddles (like in top pic)-- they hold up the paddle that corresponds to the correct multiple choice answer.  Part of the quiz they did with buzzers (bottom pic) like Katie does with her quizzing. 

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Shark Attack!

Micah has great fun with the shark that was a big part of his Daddy's childhood. : )

Red Hair Day

These were from Spirit Week as well.  I believe it was Red, White, and Blue Day (Grace colors).  I picked up some spray hair color on clearance from Halloween.  Claire wanted to be ALL red-- and we pretty well accomplished that.  In fact, throughout the day, it turned her shirt red, the inside of our van red, and several other things also red.  Katie and Jenna just wanted some streaks.  Had fun with it!